Rolling Drifter Holes

Source: Frederic Barbarossa Brave Slack

Fred’s short guide to drifter wormholes and rolling drifter wormholes.

Chapter 1. Facts

1. Drifter wormholes spawn in K-space systems with Jove Observatories.
2. Jove Observatories are static, so a system that has one will always have one.
3. Those systems should be under continuous surveillance, so in case a drifter wormhole spawns, it will be dealt with immediately.
4. Drifter wormholes K-space side will always be the ‘entrance’ and the W-space side will always be the ‘exit’.
5. Therefore it cannot be ‘ragerolled’ from the W-space side.
6. After rolling it or after it ‘dies’ naturally a drifter wormhole respawns in a different K-space system that has Jove Observatory.
7. It is not known if it respawns immediately or after a specified period of time.
8. Drifter wormhole appears immediately on the overview as ‘unidentified wormhole’ and doesn’t have to be scanned.
9. Drifter wormhole area is a deadspace pocket.
10. That means you always warp to the beacon, or at range (0-100 km) from the beacon.
11. That also means you can’t warp ‘inside’ that deadspace pocket.
12. The beacon that you warp to is usually 85 km from the drifter wormhole.
13. Drifter wormholes always have 750,000,000 kg (+/-10%) max stable mass and 300,000,000 kg max jump mass.
14. Drifter rats can spawn next to drifter wormholes, on either K-space side or W-space side.
15. Autothysian lancers while next to unidentified wormhole will be aggresive.
16. Drifter battleships are very deadly, 1-shot most of the ships and attack capsuleers from up to 60km? (the max range part needs further research).
17. Drifter rats can travel through the drifter wormholes and often warp between the Jove Observatory and the unidentified wormhole.
18. Drifter rats don’t warp to the beacon but to the wormhole itself, usually at 0-5 km range.

Chapter 2. Rolling procedure.

1. Contradictory to some popular beliefs, rolling drifter wormholes is fairly easy and takes little time.
2. First step is to warp to the unidentified wormhole at 0 km in a cloaky ship and cloak up next to warpin beacon.
3. Then you find a ‘ping’ – which can be a bookmark, an anomaly, a citadel or a celestial that is in line or close to being in line with both the beacon and the unidentified wormhole.
4. Then the rolling ships (I recommend 100mn, higgs sigils with t1 cloaks) warp to that ‘ping’ and then from that ‘ping’ to the unidentified wormhole at 85 km.
5. In order to warp to at exactly 85 km, the rolling pilot need to set it manually by right clicking the ‘warp to within’ button and setting default distance to 85 km.
6. If done correctly, after landing the rolling pilot/pilots should be about 5-15 km from the unidentified wormhole.
7. They should start burning towards the wormhole, while making sure their ships are at least 2 km apart from each other and from any of the drifter collidable objects.
8. In case of drifter rats spawning, taking the wormhole or warping from the Jove Observatory to the wh grid, rolling pilots cloak up and wait for the drifter rats to leave the grid.
9. When the rolling pilots are within 5km from the unidentified wormhole, they can safely decloak, make sure the ab is on and use the wormhole to start rolling.
10. On the W-space side the rolling ships should start approaching the unidentified wormhole again, following the same cloaking procedure in case that drifter rats are present.
11. 750,000,000 kg (+/-10%) max stable mass means it takes only 6-7 sigil jumps to completely roll a drifter wormhole.
12. Alternatively command destroyers can be used as a ‘taxi’ service for the rolling ships.

Chapter 3. Recommendations.

1. It is in best interest of all Impass alliances to keep the drifter wormholes shut down 24/7 and prevent future ‘Initiative Incusions’.
2. Therefore, each alliance should make sure that their members are well informed about aforementioned mechanics and can take care of rolling drifter wormholes in their space as soon as they spawn.
3. I suggest that each system containing a Jove Observatory should be populated with decently active corps/groups that can cover different timezones.
4. A single player with 2-3 rolling alts is able to quickly shut down a drifter wormhole by himself. It just need to be spotted, reported and taken care of immediately.
5. In case a drifter wormhole spawns and for some reason an alliance is unable to shut it down immediately, that alliance members should ask for help in intel channel and organize a rolling operation.
6. In case we would need to use one of em ourselves for moving our fleets an exception from the ‘roll em all’ rule should be made and all Impass citizens should be informed about it.

Chapter 4. Known bugs.

1. After closing a drifter wormhole from the W-space side, the rolling ship is ‘teleported’ to a random citadel on the K-space side, instead of ‘spawning’ next to the freshly rolled drifter wh.